Welcome to Pak Afghan Youth Forum

Pak Afghan
Youth Forum

Don't just dream it
Be the bridge. Build a better tomorrow

PAYF Lecture Series

The Pak Afghan Youth Forum (PAYF) Lecture Series is curated for researchers, academicians, Pak-Afghan and South Asian area scholars, and practitioners currently associated with public diplomacy, foreign service, and policymaking. The purpose is to foster continued meaningful discussion on contemporary themes relating to the Pak-Afghan region and beyond.

What’s in store for the participants?

  • Exclusive access to discussions on topical themes relating to the Pak-Afghan region.
  • Direct interactions with public diplomacy experts and practitioners.
  • Mutual learning and training during the interactive sessions.
  • Opportunity to network with experts, practitioners, researchers, and academics from across the Pak-Afghan region and beyond.

Lecture #1

Afghanistan One Year After US Withdrawal: Opportunities and Challenges

By: PAYF Chief Mentor, Ambassador Muhammad Sadiq, Pakistan’s Special Representative for Afghanistan
Venue: FATA House, Islamabad
Date: 11 October 2022

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