Welcome to Pak Afghan Youth Forum

Pak Afghan
Youth Forum

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Pak Afghan Youth Jirga


The Pak-Afghan Youth Forum (PAYF) is pleased to announce a Virtual Pak-Afghan Youth Jirga focused on the shifting geopolitical dynamics in the Pak-Afghan region following the takeover by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. As the region navigates these changes, this Jirga will provide a platform to discuss the emerging opportunities and challenges for regional connectivity, economic cooperation, and diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Pakistan and Afghanistan share a complex history and a future intertwined with the aspirations of their youth. This Jirga aims to bring together youth leaders, diplomats, and sectoral experts to engage in discussions across three key tiers: youth/public diplomacy, state-level diplomacy, and sectoral cooperation. The dialogue will address critical sectors such as mining, trade, and infrastructure development, with a focus on fostering strong bilateral relations and collaborative efforts.

Event Format

The Virtual Jirga will feature discussions on the aforementioned themes, structured into the following segments:

  1. Youth Perspective: Exploring youth-led initiatives for cultural exchange, educational opportunities, and overcoming challenges in border areas.
  2. Policy and Governance: Analyzing strategies for border management, security, and enhancing bilateral cooperation since August 2024.
  3. Sectoral Focus: Delving into potential areas for collaboration, including mining, energy, agriculture, and tourism, with a spotlight on public-private partnerships.
  4. The event will conclude with an interactive Q&A session, offering participants the opportunity to engage with the panelists.

For further details, please reach out to info@pkafgyouthforum.com

Download concept note


August 2024

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