During an interview with the BBC, Foreign Minister Maulvi Amir Khan Muttaqi expressed the Islamic Emirate’s (IEA) intention to establish respectful ties with all nations. He highlighted that the Islamic Emirate aims to foster positive and dignified relationships with countries worldwide.
Muttaqi emphasized the pursuit of a balanced foreign policy, striving for engagement with nations globally, including regional counterparts, based on equitable terms.
He underlined the Islamic Emirate’s aspiration for Afghanistan to not be a battleground for global superpower rivalries but rather a hub for international connectivity. Muttaqi criticized the request for a prosecutor from the International Criminal Court, labeling it as unjust and deeply regrettable.
He pointed out the ongoing loss of Afghan lives, daily injuries, home invasions, and the existence of private prisons controlled by the powerful, with no accountability. Muttaqi questioned the logic of pursuing those who aimed to end these adversities instead of holding accountable those responsible for the ongoing turmoil.
Also See: IEA Emphasizes Dialogue Over Pressure In Resolving Disputes
This news is sourced from [Alemarah English] and is for informational purposes only.